POST 5: "TV shows and series"

Hello and welcome to a new blog, firstly and being honest I'm not very involved into the TV show and series world, because I prefer other hobbies to spend my time on, for example listening to music, but, if I should choose one serie or TV show that I liked a lot it definitely would be Breaking Bad, a serie about a teacher and his student which sell methanphetamine togheter and they make a lot of money but they also get into a lot of problems and going beyond I think I like that serie for two reasons: It really gets you into the story because everything happens so fast and you pay attention in all moment and another reason is that I really like the temporary space in witch it is set: the western usa (or desert zones from usa) and the years 2000-2010. I think thats cool. Moreover, I could say that I really enjoy the series of that kind: a lot of mystery and action but nothing so shocking). Finally, there's is a lot of series that I would like to watch,  but I don't really know why I didn't do it, for example, I would like to see dark complete. because I started it but I never ended, I also want to see The Crown, The Umbrella Academy, among others, because a lot of people has told me to watch it and I think I would do it, soon. 


  1. I have read 2 blogs that mentions this serie, I think should definitely watch it xD

  2. wowowo this is my favorite series too! many people recommended me The Crown and I think it's very good and intense.

  3. I need to see this series. I've never been able to start. I need some vacations! jjajaja

  4. I remember that I started to watch it and never finished it, so on vacation I will continue this show, that is so amazing


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