

Hello everybody and welcome to a new blog today I'm going to talk about my summer plans and what I'm expecting for my holidays so first of all i have to say that this summer are completely different to others because of covid-19 and all the thing it brings that literally has changed everything in our lives during this year but hoping everything gets better as soon as possible, my plans for summer are: go to the beach with my friends and my family during January; I want to go to Viña del Mar, Valpararaíso, Algarrobo (one of my favorite ones) or another cool beach near to Metropolitan Region, go to my friends pool, also go camping, visit my grandma and i wish I could have a lot of fun with my friends, it could be partying or just spending time under a tree in a hot day summer talking about life or just watch the stars for the night, definetely if those things happens i think my summer will be completely incredible, but, unless Im going to have fun during January, in February I ha

POST 5: "TV shows and series"

Hello and welcome to a new blog, firstly and being honest I'm not very involved into the TV show and series world, because I prefer other hobbies to spend my time on, for example listening to music, but, if I should choose one serie or TV show that I liked a lot it definitely would be Breaking Bad, a serie about a teacher and his student which sell methanphetamine togheter and they make a lot of money but they also get into a lot of problems and going beyond I think I like that serie for two reasons: It really gets you into the story because everything happens so fast and you pay attention in all moment and another reason is that I really like the temporary space in witch it is set: the western usa (or desert zones from usa) and the years 2000-2010. I think thats cool. Moreover, I could say that I really enjoy the series of that kind: a lot of mystery and action but nothing so shocking). Finally, there's is a lot of series that I would like to watch,  but I don't really kno


I'm not very involved into movies and cinema's world,  honestly watching movies is not my favorite hobbie because I am very distracted and I can't pay attention for so long, but if I could choose one movie, I think it would be "Brave" from disney pixar. I have seen it about 5 times and i like it a lot, I enjoyed the history and I think that is a beautiful movie, I can say that I like all PIXAR movies, I also like Finding Nemo, that movie is also one of my favorite.  In general, I preffer to watch movies that i have seen before, because if i haven't seen it yet, i get bored and i stop it. but time to time, when I'm with my friends or my family, we watch movies. The last one I saw was "Parasite". I think it is cool, I enjoyed it and I had a good time watching it, but how I said, watching movies is not of my favorite activity to do.  Finally, I completely preffer listening to music or watch music videos on youtube.


Firstly, I think that my dream job would be produce and selling my own brand of vegetarian/vegan products, such as hamburgers of all flavors (beans, lentils, quinoa, chickpeas and vegetables), sausages, plant-based milk and desserts with a good taste but not using meal or products from animal origin and trying to make my products cheap so everyone could buy it. Is for  that reason that I chose to study food engeenering, because I think the career is completely linked with what i expect for my future and I think that it will give me everything that I need to know to make my future job a reality, in addition , I would love to make it by myself, or with a good team, choosing good and natural products and at the same time taking care of the world and being friendly with it and I will learn everything in the career, on the other hand,  I would like to work indoors instead of work outdoor because indoor is easier to make machines work but at the same time i would like being connected with th

The best concert ever!

Happily I could say that i been able to go to all my favorite artist's concerts. but what I enjoyed the most was the concert of the band called "Arctic Monkeys" a british band with 5 integrants and a lot of popular songs. They really are known all over the world. I saw them 2 times, the first was in 2014 at Movistar Arena, and the second one was last year at Lollapalooza Chile, and that was my favourite. It was incredible! me and my best friend love Arctic Monkeys, that day, we wait about 12 hours to see them in first row, we did it, everyone around us was so euphoric, everyone was singing and jumping, we met a lot of people who was in the same mood. After the concert we couldn't believe what had happened. we were so hungry and so tired, our legs hurt, but at the same time we were so happy. Me and my friend always remember that concert, it was amazing 
POST 1: A COUNTRY I'D LIKE TO VISIT   There are three countries that I would love to visit: Egypt, Norway and Greece because of their culture and their magical landscapes, but at the first place, I certainly would go to Greece. I think that their history, their culture and their ancient myths are extremely interesting and they've known keep it intact through the years and nowadays you can see vestiges of that all around the country, unless It is a very modern country.   If I were to Greece, I would love to visit Athens or Santorini because they are beautiful places, go to the beach, Museums, and obviously visit the Parthenon in Athens, also I think that if I could learn Greek, I would like to live here, but for now, I just want to go to visit as a tourists and I hope that it happens soon !!